Seven Questions to Ask When Choosing a Medical Assistant Program
Medical Assistant Questions

Finding the right medical assistant program can be an overwhelming task to take on. There’s a lot riding on the decision you eventually make, one that will mark the beginning of your pursuit of a new career. It’s an investment of both time and money, but most importantly, it’s an investment in yourself and your future. It’s a choice you should think through thoroughly before making. With that being said, how do you evaluate whether or not a program is the right fit for you? You need to ask questions, lots of questions. Here are a few Medical Assistant questions to ask while choosing program:

  1. Are the school and program accredited?

Whether or not a school is accredited or affiliated with the governing bodies of an industry is a pretty good indicator of the quality of instruction the school provides, not to mention the validity of your completion of that school’s program as it pertains to your career. Accreditation can be highly important when it comes to earning certifications or licensures, depending on the occupation. For medical assisting, you should make sure the school you choose meets the accreditation guidelines of the American Association of Medical Assistants, as that will be a key part of your certification eligibility.

  1. What kind of financial aid is available?

Deciding to continue your education is a substantial financial commitment, one that very few people make without the help of financial aid. Find out if the school you are considering offers scholarships. Even if it does not, many schools offer loans (both subsidized and unsubsidized), work study programs and grants from the federal government. Schools also tend to have staff members strictly dedicated to assisting you with how you’re going to pay for your education. For many people, financial affordability is a crucial factor in deciding where to study, so be sure to ask about financial aid possibilities, especially if you go on a campus visit.

  1. Does the school have a career services office?

Career services, which typically include mock interviews, helps with resumes and job search assistance are some of the most valuable resources postsecondary educational institutions have to offer. Some schools are better than others about utilizing their connections to alumni working in the field to help newly minted graduates make their way. Asking about the presence of a career services office on a school’s campus and the services it offers will give you a better idea of what kinds of resources will be available to you as a student.

  1. How experienced are the instructors?

The people who teach the classes at a given institution can make or break your educational experience. Obviously, some instructors are going to be more skilled and knowledgeable than others, but that’s how it is at any school. Inquire about the requirements the school has when hiring instructors to join the ranks of their faculty. Some may argue that continuing education is a situation in which you get out of it what you put into it, but having instructors who foster your curiosity and personal growth can be invaluable to your career and your life as a whole.

  1. Will the program prepare you for the CMA exam, and how?

As mentioned in response to the first question, completing a medical assisting program at an accredited school is a large factor in determining your eligibility for the CMA exam. If you have chosen one of the accredited schools, your education should cover most of what is needed to pass the exam and achieve certification. Even if prepping for the exam is not explicitly a sizable portion of the program, many schools have tutors and other academic resources available to help you prepare for and ace the CMA exam.

  1. Does the curriculum include hands-on training?

Studying the theory of a skilled trade like medical assisting is all well and good, but you also need hands-on practice to be adequately prepared for a real-life MA job. Understanding this, most programs offer a mix of textbook instruction and practical hands-on learning. If there’s a specific skill that you’re looking to be taught over the course of your medical assistant training, make sure to ask about it. To be safe, you should ask about the curriculum as a whole, especially if you can’t find specifics on the school’s website.

  1. What resources are available if you should need help?

College can be hard sometimes for a number of different reasons. The way an instructor teaches might not connect with how you learn. It might take you a little longer than your classmates for certain information to click. Inevitably, life, and all of the unexpected events that come with it, still happens when you’re in school. Regardless of the situation, it’s comforting to know that you can get help from whichever school you decide to attend. Schools may offer tutoring and other resources to help keep you on track. There’s no shame in getting help if you need it.

Now that you have a better idea of what kind of questions to ask before deciding on a medical assisting program, you’re ready to put these questions into action and find your perfect fit.

Achieve Your Dreams with a Coyne Education

Coyne College is one of Chicago’s top skilled trade education institutions and is proud to offer its medical assistant program to future healthcare professionals.

Coyne College offers day classes for the Medical Assistant program. The program is offered at the Coyne College campus, located in the heart of the Chicago Loop at the intersection of State and Madison streets.

Coyne College’s medical assistant program thoroughly prepares you to enter the healthcare field as a medical assistant. The program can be completed in as little as 54 weeks. As a medical assisting student at Coyne College, you will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed as a medical assistant. Some of the topics covered in the program’s curriculum are:

  • Medical Terminology
  • Pharmacology
  • Anatomy and Pathophysiology
  • Basic Insurance and Billing
  • And more!

Coyne College’s medical assistant program also helps give its students a leg up on the competition by featuring a six-week portion dedicated to electronic health records.

You will learn the ins and outs of medical assisting in an environment where you are surrounded by instructors dedicated to helping you succeed. Coyne’s instructors are highly knowledgeable and have years of meaningful experience in the workforce.

Following your studies, you will be required to complete an externship. After you complete the medical assistant certificate program, you will be ready to enter the workforce as a medical assistant in any number of healthcare settings.

Coyne College is dedicated to helping its students find gainful employment following the completion of their respective programs. To that end, Coyne offers a wealth of career services and job placement help for its students, including networking and resume advice.

Coyne College also offers its students career assistance, including mock interviews, externships and resume help. These resources can help students secure apprenticeships after completing the program. Financial aid is available to those who qualify.

What are you waiting for? Dive into all that Coyne has to offer by visiting